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Author: Dan

THE GREAT EFFORTS TO MAKE ABE LINCOLN LOOK MORE PRESIDENTIAL Included painting his head on another politician's posing. Ironically it was the fiery defender of slavery John Calhoun. The secret was kept for a century! https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/abraham-lincoln-photos-edited   WE NOW HAVE THE LARGEST EVER HUMAN FAMILY TREE, WITH 231 MILLION ANCESTRAL LINEAGES https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-create-largest-ever-human-family-tree-using-two-decades-of-genomic-data   WE GET 50% OF OUR DNA FROM EACH OF OUR PARENTS. BUT IT'S NOT THE SAME 50% - UNLESS YOU ARE IDENTICAL TWINS. Which is the most Irish of these four sisters? https://blogs.ancestry.com/cm/whos-more-irish-you-or-your-sibling/?ancid=o4v2vr11lh&gclid=baa080a6-a39c-11eb-aacc-008cfa5b6750-7f6d63729700++355896011++9188562039++32710796134&o_xid=75807&o_lid=75807&o_sch=Content+Marketing   THE USE OF DNA TO TRACK YOUR FAMILY’S DISEASE HISTORY BACK 280 YEARS! How a Rare Brain Mutation Spread Across America. The Bowlin family knew they...

I WAS ALWAYS CURIOUS ABOUT WHERE HER NAME CAME FROM, AND HOW DNA TELLS THE STORY Caryn Elaine Johnson was born in Manhattan, New York City, on November 13, 1955, the daughter of Robert James Johnson Jr. , a Baptist clergyman, and Emma Harris, a nurse, and teacher. She was raised in the public housing project, Chelsea-Elliot Houses, in NYC. She has stated that her stage forename ("Whoopi") was taken from a whoopee cushion: "When you're performing on stage, you never really have time to go into the bathroom and close the door. So if you get a little gassy, you've got...

THE CON ARTIST WHO SOLD RICH INVESTORS A COUNTRY Nearly 200 years ago, Gregor MacGregor pulled off one of the most brazen real estate scams in history. https://thehustle.co/the-con-artist-who-sold-rich-investors-a-fake-country/?utmsource=join1440&utmmedium=email BRITISH FLORIDA The 1763 Treaty of Paris, signed after Great Britain's victory over France and Spain during the Seven Years' War, ceded Florida to Great Britain in exchange for the return of Havana and Manila. Although most Spanish colonists in the region left Florida for Cuba, Florida became Great Britain's fourteenth and fifteenth North American colonies (West and East Florida). Because of the political sympathies of its British inhabitants, St. Augustine became a Loyalist haven during...

GEORGE WASHINGTON AND OUR FIRST MASS INOCULATION George Washington's military genius is undisputed. Yet American independence must be partially attributed to a strategy for which history has given the infamous general little credit: his controversial medical actions. Traditionally, the Battle of Saratoga is credited with tipping the revolutionary scales. Yet the health of the Continental regulars involved in the battle was a product of the ambitious initiative Washington began earlier that year at Morristown, close on the heels of the victorious Battle of Princeton. Among the Continental regulars in the American Revolution, 90 percent of deaths were caused by disease, and...

MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO Apparently, in 1921, Americans who were primarily descendants of the Europeans were asserting their superiority over them. Remember that we recently came through World War I and the Spanish flu epidemic, and we're entering the roaring 20's. ...

The above cartoon ran in 1901. Below are six of the many predictions from 1900 made for the next 100 years by John Elfreth Watkins. The first three came true; the next three did not. 1. Digital color photography- Watkins did not, of course, use the word "digital" or spell out precisely how digital cameras and computers would work. Still, he accurately predicted how people would come to use new photographic technology. 2. Television- "Man will see around the world. Persons and things of all kinds will be brought within focus of cameras connected electrically with screens at opposite ends of circuits,...

We had the opportunity to see "Hamilton" and that reminded me of a duel in our own family tree. In May of 1798, Brockholst Livingston (above), a Republican, insulted James Jones, a Federalist (like Alexander Hamilton) in an anonymous newspaper article. Jones responded by first caning Livingston and then trying to wring his nose, which prompted a discussion of “just how much of Livingston’s nose had been grabbed.” The confrontation led to a duel at the Weehawken Dueling Grounds (where Alexander Hamilton met his fate five years later). The newspapers of the day reported that “the men fired simultaneously, and Jones...

The ad above was written in 1942. It only took 79 years to become famous or infamous depending upon your perspective. Torturing candidates and office-holders with easy-to-chat taglines have been happening for a long time. Grover Cleveland was accused of fathering a child out of wedlock. The crowds chanted at him: “Ma, ma, where’s my Pa?”. Cleveland went on to win his second term. He was the only president to marry in the White House, when in his first term at age 49, he married a 21-year old, who he had been a guardian of since she was an infant. That is...

Call/Text Dan: 214-914-3598