Discovering your family's history and legacy is both exciting and time-consuming. Dancestors Genealogy focuses on the time-consuming parts so you can focus on the exciting part! We help you make sense of your disorganized boxes of family photos. By bringing them to life, we help you understand the story of how your family came to be what it is today. We also provide extensive research as it applies to your family's history, ancestry, and archives. Through this information, we'll develop an exquisite Narrative Family Legacy book. Are you looking for more insight into your family?
family tree, genealogy, ancestry, family, genealogist, genealogy services, legacy, dancestors, ancestors, DNA Research, Ancestry Research, Organization of Family Archives
Do the newspaper headlines below seem too familiar with pictures of people wearing masks and church services being canceled? Perhaps your Great Grandfather is part of the gathering for a group picture after the quarterly sales meeting. They apparently didn’t know then about the 6 ft rule.
by Dan Nelson on April 22, 2020
With my unique perspective that intersects with my business background, interest in history, and it impacts on business and families in the past, I went looking to see what I could find in regards to the economic impact of past epidemics.
We’re all writing history right now, and there...
Good Morning!
We made visiting our store/ our website even easier. If you can't remember Dancestors, all you have to tell your friends is to go to and it takes you right to the website. Our email is still , but you can save a few keypunches by going to
Of course, don't forget the Dancestors Genealogy YouTube Channel where we add content often. You can find it here and please, subscribe! DANCESTORS on YouTube.
Can DNA Predict Fishing?
I find it most amazing when I am able through DNA and investigation to find someone's birth parents to see how their ancestor's...
Good morning mortals,
We're having to spend a lot more time thinking about our mortality. Remember the survival rate is 98.5%, so we should be thinking about life beyond this difficult time. However, thinking about your mortality isn't all bad, as it causes us to do a better job with our estate planning, health-care, long-term housing choices, and most importantly to us here at Dancestors, capturing your families story! Call us today and we will help you get one of these items off of your to-do list and also get your #1 gift ready for Christmas 2021!
What really killed them?
One of...
Coronavirus is dominating the news. What used to scare folks?
The picture above shows my Great Uncle Ralph on the big horse with his brothers Luther, and my Grandpa Virgil on the pony. The picture to left shows brothers Luther, Virgil, Clifford, and baby James. Baby James died of measles in May 1921, and Ralph the oldest died 3 months later of typhoid fever in August 1921. That was a rough summer for the family, but it was not an uncommon story back in the day. If you are curious about how your family members passed away, Dancestors can find out...
Good morning fellow descendants,
I recall a cousin of my mom’s years ago, asking, “so when do you say you’re done with your search? When you get back to Adam and Eve?”
That is a good question, as a lot of folks like me research their family history, collecting thousands of pages of material, pictures, and documents. If you don’t take steps to say, “Ok, I could find more, but I am at the point, where I need to bring some closure, and put the materials in a format where they can be enjoyed and will survive for future generations.”
If you don’t ever...
Good morning readers and now listeners,
Don’t forget to listen in every other Saturday at 1 PM CST to the “Live Your True Life” Family Historian segment on the Ashley Berges show on KBTD 1160-AM in Dallas on the USA Radio Network or look up Ashley Berges on Facebook where the show is live.
Listen to me on Spreaker at
Check out the website:
The segment starts on January 25th. If you miss the show, the segments will be available as podcasts on our website at or on our YouTube channel Dancestors Genealogy, or at Apple podcasts
The first few segments will be mostly background,...
Good morning fellow skin-wearers,
Have you ever heard of "Anthropodermic Bibliopegy"? I hadn’t either, but I can assure you it is not a binding option for our beautiful Dancestors Genealogy books!
Skin-bound books may sound like weird artifacts that belong in Evil Dead movies or Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. But from the 1600s to 1800s, these suede-like tomes were less necromancy, more commemorative plate. And converting yourself into human moleskin upon kicking the bucket made for a heartfelt present.
The pre-anesthesia surgery blog “The Chirurgeon's Apprentice” has a charming overview of the history of "anthropodermic bibliopegy," or the process of binding books with human skin.
Although this process sounds gruesome to...
Good morning to all of you who now have the benefit of 2020 vision,
This is the time of year where we make our New Year’s resolutions. One of the common resolutions is to get organized. Get rid of the clutter. Dancestors Genealogy can help with that by taking that “box or boxes” of old photos, historical documents, stories, charts, and family nick-nacks and turn it all into a beautiful heirloom book that sits on the coffee table vs. being tucked away on a closet shelf.
Here’s a recent link from Popular Science that shows you how to get your photos, old or...
Good morning preservers of the family legacy,
A lot of times folks ask us how to preserve their family heirlooms. Of course, our first advice is to capture a digital record of the heirloom and let’s then put that picture into Your Dancestors ancestry book, so you have it stored somewhere else. Here’s some advice from an insurance company:
Some updates on the use of DNA to solve crimes:
Police were cracking cold cases with a DNA website. Then the fine print changed.
“There are cases that won’t get solved or will take longer to solve,” a Florida law enforcement official said.
While being the family historian...
Good morning fellow shoppers,
I hope you and your family are in good spirits and health as we find ourselves in the 2019 holiday season.
By the time you read this, you will have already enjoyed a big plate of food, gave thanks, and hopefully spent time with your loved ones, family, and friends, and you survived Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday!
After so many years of trying to purchase thoughtful and creative presents for your loved ones, do you find yourself feeling like “you didn’t quite hit the mark” when it came to the uniqueness and personalization of your...