Discovering your family's history and legacy is both exciting and time-consuming. Dancestors Genealogy focuses on the time-consuming parts so you can focus on the exciting part! We help you make sense of your disorganized boxes of family photos. By bringing them to life, we help you understand the story of how your family came to be what it is today. We also provide extensive research as it applies to your family's history, ancestry, and archives. Through this information, we'll develop an exquisite Narrative Family Legacy book. Are you looking for more insight into your family?
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With the recent controversy surrounding Roe vs. Wade, I thought I would see what our ancestors debated in earlier newspaper articles (remember, back then, “s” was written as “f”) in regard to abortion. Instead, I found the article above that argued that requiring a marriage license with a 30-day parish residency requirement would result in more abortions.
I also found an article that earlier in the story mentions “the people west of Hudson’s Bay” (that also says the same custom in Formosa, which is present-day Taiwan). The article discusses their traditions related to induced abortion, but...
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Can DNA Predict Fishing?
I find it most amazing when I am able through DNA and investigation to find someone's birth parents to see how their ancestor's...