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Discovering your family's history and legacy is both exciting and time-consuming. Dancestors Genealogy focuses on the time-consuming parts so you can focus on the exciting part! We help you make sense of your disorganized boxes of family photos. By bringing them to life, we help you understand the story of how your family came to be what it is today. We also provide extensive research as it applies to your family's history, ancestry, and archives. Through this information, we'll develop an exquisite Narrative Family Legacy book. Are you looking for more insight into your family?
family tree, genealogy, ancestry, family, genealogist, genealogy services, legacy, dancestors, ancestors, DNA Research, Ancestry Research, Organization of Family Archives
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THANKS FOR DOING MY GENEALOGY, NOW YOU MUST DIE! In Bergen, Norway, we took a walking tour of the city, and the guide took us to the statue of Snorri Sturluson (1179 –1241). He was an Icelandic historian, poet, and politician. He was elected twice as lawspeaker of the Icelandic parliament,...

ANCESTOR- MY 3X GREAT GRANDPA WILLIAM I. NEVIUS HAD 4 SONS WHO FOUGHT IN THE CIVIL WAR; TWO CAME HOME 1) John Rowland (1838-1914) served in Company D, 83rd Illinois Infantry without incident. He is pictured above with his brother Henry Wilbur in their uniforms. 2) William Dill (1840-1862) served in Company...

ANCESTRY- AN URBAN MYTH LED TO SPENDING $20 BILLION OVER 25 YEARS The Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, historically known as the Chicago Drainage Canal, is a 28-mile-long (45 km) canal system that connects the Chicago River to the Des Plaines River. It reverses the direction of the Main Stem and...

KATE THOMPSON SMUGGLED A $200,000 STOCK RECEIPT THROUGH UNION LINES We covered the “Confederates on the Great Lakes” on July 13, 2024, Confederates on the Great Lakes and the Mystery of the Silver Teapot” in the June 29, 2024, edition Mystery of the Silver Teapot. We gave you a glimpse into...

THE QUAKER ANTI-SLAVERY MIGRATION FROM THE SOUTHEAST TO THE NORTHWEST John Woolman (1720-1772) was an American merchant, tailor, journalist, Quaker preacher, and early abolitionist during the colonial era. Based in Mount Holly, near Philadelphia, he traveled through the American frontier to preach Quaker beliefs and advocate against slavery and the slave...

MOTORING ON MICHIGAN HIGHWAY 185 IS IMPOSSIBLE Out of more than 4 million miles of public streets in the United States, there’s an 8.2-mile stretch of road on Mackinac Island that stands apart. M-185 is the only state highway in the country where motor vehicles are not allowed. Instead, the traffic on...

HAVE YOU EVER GONE CEMETERY HUNTING? Yes, it is part of Genealogy. I had come across a comment in an old newsletter saying that my 3rd Great-Grandfather, Gilbreath Falls Neill, was buried in the Neill Cemetery across the railroad tracks in Beech Bluff, TN. So, in about 2013, I was in...

THE ROSE OF LONG ISLAND AND HER HERITAGE Julia Gardiner was the daughter of David Gardiner, a landowner and New York State senator (1824–1828), and Juliana MacLachlan Gardiner. The Gardiners had a prestigious heritage, were a wealthy and influential family, and she was taught to value social class and advantageous marriages. She was...

COULD YOU GET A PENSION FOR YOUR DESCENDANTS IF YOU HAD A JOB WITH NO SALARY? The answer is yes if you are a former First Lady. The president's wife receives no salary, but they can receive a pension. I became aware of first ladies' pensions when we visited Sherwood Forest. The...

ANCESTRY- THE HOLLYWOOD VAMPIRE Ancestry, The Hollywood Vampire. The Richmond Vampire (locally called the Hollywood Vampire) is a recent urban legend from Richmond, Virginia. Richmond residents claim that the mausoleum of W. W. Pool (Dated 1913) in Hollywood Cemetery holds the remains of a vampire. Supposedly, Pool was run out of...

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