Ancestry Genealogy and Family Tree Research Services | Genealogist For Hire Dallas, TX
Genealogist For Hire Near Me - Dancestors is an affordable Ancestry Genealogy and Family Tree Research Center in Dallas, TX. We encourage everyone in our community to learn about their family history.
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Genealogy Services (DNA Research · Ancestry Genealogy Research Services · Organization of Family Archives)

In The Greater Dallas Area and throughout the U.S.

Discovering your family’s history and legacy is both exciting and time-consuming. Dancestors Genealogy Dallas focuses on the time-consuming parts so that you can focus on the exciting part! Dancestors Genealogy Dallas helps you make sense of your disorganized boxes of family photos. By bringing them to life, we help you understand the story of how your family came to be what it is today. We also provide extensive research as it applies to your family’s history, ancestry, and archives. Our staff of researchers includes experts in many fields, including a published researcher of finding the roots of those of African descent. Through this information, we’ll develop an exquisite Narrative Family Legacy book.

Our staff of genealogists includes experts in many fields, including:

      • Building family history books that contain your lineage, images, stories, and historical documents, all artfully arranged into a family heirloom.
      • Forensic genealogists use your DNA to find your biological ancestors and relatives, including overseas cousins.
      • Qualifying for society membership, such as the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR), the Society of Mayflower Descendants, Colonial Dames, and many others.
      • African American research includes a published researcher skilled at finding the roots of those of African descent.
      • Heir research for property disbursement.

Are you looking for more insight into your family? Please keep reading to learn more about us!


Published books


Published pages


Published words

Why it’s Important
  • validate your family stories
  • trace medical conditions
  • find birth parents
  • confirm the origins of traditions
  • to know my ancestors as people
  • relations to famous people
  • find living relatives
  • historical memberships
  • find personality traits, talents, etc.


To live in the hearts, we leave behind is not to die.
(Author unknown)

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How This Works

We offer a simplified process of discovering your family’s legacy:

  1. Initial Meeting (share expectations & start the tree)
  2. Phase 1 (initial background exploration & DNA submittal)
  3. Phase 2 – the hunt (Flesh out tree data & begin narrative/story document & find DNA cousins
  4. Phase 3 (non-digital research)
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What is Delivered?
  • Online Ancestry Tree (all electronic documents)
  • GEDCOM File (standard genealogical file protocol containing your tree data that is importable to other programs)
  • Narrative Family legacy book (includes gathered documents & pictures of your family
  • Printed pedigree chart
  • DNA Ethnicity & cousin contacts

Everything is documented online and accessible for future generations.


Just Need Research Help?

We also do limited searches. For example: researching problematic ancestry genealogy research services on which you have not been able to make progress in your research; research a particular ancestor that you have an interest in knowing more about; validate prior research; find your Civil War ancestors; find your immigrant ancestor; determine if you have Native American ancestry; use DNA to discover your ancestors or relatives; heirship research to determine rightful heirs with intestate probates or oil and gas rights. No matter what your question might be, we can help. Please reach out today!


Video Testimonial


Discover Your Family History

box challengeYour Narrative Family Legacy book provides you and your family members with historical insights. Your family history has a lot of detail to it, so the research on where you came from helps you navigate your origins. In addition to this personalized book, we also provide you with various genealogical files and materials. These include an online ancestry tree, printed pedigree charts, DNA ethnicity, cousin contacts, and so much more.

When you contact us today, you will learn so much. No matter where we are in our research, we will provide you with updates on what is going on.


The Story is Personal

guys in tentWe are in this together as partners, merging vision with action! I will help you discover a past you never knew existed.  I have found blacksmiths, carpenters, clockmakers, cowboys, gunsmiths, house wrights, innkeepers, liverymen, merchants, physicians, planters, preachers, scholars, servants, soldiers, silversmiths, weavers, wheelwrights, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I’ve tracked them across oceans and continents, where they have fought to prevail against the enemy soldiers, forces of nature, hostile natives, and an unforgiving frontier. I am passionate about the work I do.


Meet Dan

Dan Nelson

Since I was a young boy, I always found it fascinating to hear stories about my ancestors. I would listen to my grandparents and great uncles and aunts tell stories of the past.  I inherited a love for genealogy ancestry from my mother, who began researching our family’s history after retiring in the late 1980s. In the early 1990s, I took up where my mom left off in her research. Due to the traveling nature of my career, I was able to fill in more of the family tree through letter writing, phone calls, and visits to libraries, historical societies, and family members long before the internet came along. Today these research techniques are still relevant, but digital resources have greatly enhanced the Genealogist’s tools. I am fortunate to have pursued genealogy at an earlier age when the story-holders could still explain their history.  Since then, many have passed away, and their stories are lost or diminished, of fact.  Let Dancestors help you get the real stories now!



Dan Nelson Genealogist CertificateI have a certificate in genealogy ancestry  from the International Association of Professions Career College and have researched and published many family legacies in the last two years.  My wife, Andrea, is an integral part of the process as she is not so genealogy-driven as she is passionate about the story. She serves as a great advocate for the non-genealogist wanting to peruse and absorb their family history without getting caught up in convention and minutia.


Client Reviews

Bark Elite Pro

Dancestors Genealogy - Bark Elite Pro

Thumbtack Top Pro

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Dan Nelson

Dan Nelson

Call/Text Dan: 214-914-3598